Inaugural Blog Post
Dear readers (hi Mom), this is my first blog post on my website. I plan to keep these short and sweet. The read time will be 30s - 5min. We are all busy, and you don't need to hear me go on about my opinions for an introduction, three points, and a conclusion. I would be honored if y'all stuck around and clicked open a new post from time to time.
**Today's note: do something creative. God created you in His image, and you possess an intellectual capacity that needs to be put to work. Make something this week, whether its a spreedsheet, a game plan, or a paper mache pumpkin; only a human could think that up. **
Lastly, I intend to attach some sort of eye candy to each of these posts. This website's main purpose is to showcase my paintings and sell them; however, I thought it would be fun to attach little sketches I've done over the last several years with the occasional new painting.
Post-it note sketch of a family and a red balloon. A public meltdown is one gust of wind away.
Have a blessed day, Jack